Fox Valley Women in Business

Get connected! Meet other like-minded business owners and professionals who desire to excel. Meet over coffee to build relationships and support one another.

Fox Valley Women in Business

Get connected! Meet other like-minded business owners and professionals who desire to excel. Meet over coffee to build relationships and support one another.

Fox Valley Women in Business

Get connected! Meet other like-minded business owners and professionals who desire to excel. Meet over coffee to build relationships and support one another.

Fox Valley Women in Business

Get connected.   Meet other like-minded business owners and professionals who desire to excel. Meet over coffee to build relationships and support one another.

Fox Valley Women in Business

Get connected. Meet other like minded business owners and professional who desire to excel. Meet over coffee to build relationship and support one another.

NEW North Summit at Lambeau Field

The New North Summit is an annual event that draws together over 700 business leaders, educators and community leaders to learn about the many successes and economic growth happening in the northeast Wisconsin region. Seventeen counties work together to promote the vitality and wonderful lifestyle the area supports to  encourage businesses to locate here and […]

Cards & Coffee with Fox West Chamber

Come on out and start your day with Cards and Coffee hosted by Home2 Suites. This is a great networking opportunity to build relationships with other members and businesses in the local area.

Cards & Coffee with Fox West Chamber

Come on out and start your day with Cards and Coffee hosted by Cut in Stone. This is a great networking opportunity to build relationships with other members and businesses in the local area.

Cards & Coffee with Fox West Chamber

Come on out and start your day with Cards and Coffee hosted at Let it Bee in Greenville co-hosted with Mosquito Authority. This is a great networking opportunity to build relationships with other members and businesses in the local area.