Fox Cities Chamber After Hours

Miron Construction is excited to host the August Business After Hours! Join us on August 14 for this networking event.

Fox Cities Chamber Morning Mingle

Join the Chamber for our monthly ‘business before hours’ networking opportunity, Morning Mingle! Enjoy coffee and refreshments in a relaxed setting while having the opportunity to meet other chamber members, network, and make new connections. The event also includes tours of the Chamber building for those interested. Be sure to be there by 8:15 for […]

Fox Cities Chamber Morning Mingle

Join the Chamber for our monthly ‘business before hours’ networking opportunity, Morning Mingle! Enjoy coffee and refreshments in a relaxed setting while having the opportunity to meet other chamber members, network, and make new connections. The event also includes tours of the Chamber building for those interested. Be sure to be there by 8:15 for […]

Fox Cities Chamber After Hours

Security-Luebke Roofing is excited to host the April Business After Hours! Join us on April 10 for this networking event. Make new connections and build relationships that can help you grow.

Fox Cities Chamber Pulse Night at the Museum

PULSE’s annual Night at the Museum, sponsored by Harp Gallery, is coming back on March 27! This year we are taking a walking tour down College Ave to learn about the downtown scene during the Prohibition. We will be starting at Spat’s at 5 PM; we’ll learn more about this location as we head inside, […]

Fox Cities Chamber’s After Hours

OSMS is excited to host the March Business After Hours! Join us on March 13 for this networking event. Build your brand. Build relationships that can help you grow your business

Fox Cities Chamber Pulse Lunch & Learn

Join PULSE as we learn all about Networking as a YP! We know that it can be scary, or that you might not know where to start. You might feel imposter syndrome or think that no one wants to hear from the newbie. This event gives you the opportunity to learn from fellow YP, McKenzie […]